SFWRITER.COM > Nonfiction > WordStar
A Writer's Word Processor
by Robert J. Sawyer
Copyright 1990 and 1996 by Robert J. Sawyer.
This essay may be freely reproduced or reposted, so
long as it is reproduced in its entirety and is unaltered
in any way.
For information from 2018 on using WordStar under modern
versions of Windows, see
WordStar under Windows.
Many Science Fiction writers — including myself,
Roger MacBride Allen,
Gerald Brandt,
Jeffrey A. Carver,
Arthur C. Clarke,
David Gerrold,
Terence M. Green,
James Gunn,
Matthew Hughes,
Donald Kingsbury,
Eric Kotani,
Paul Levinson,
George R. R. Martin,
Vonda McIntyre,
Kit Reed,
Jennifer Roberson, and
Edo van Belkom — continue to use WordStar
for DOS as our writing tool of choice.
Still, most of us have endured years of mindless criticism of our
decision, usually from WordPerfect users, and especially from
WordPerfect users who have never tried anything but that
program. I've used WordStar, WordPerfect, Word, MultiMate,
Sprint, XyWrite, and just about every other MS-DOS and Windows
word-processing package, and WordStar is by far my
favorite choice for creative composition at the keyboard.
That's the key point: aiding creative composition. To
understand how WordStar does that better than other programs, let
me start with a little history.
WordStar was first released in 1979, before there was any
standardization in computer keyboards. At that time, many
keyboards lacked arrow keys for cursor movement and special
function keys for issuing commands. Some even lacked such keys
as Tab , Insert , Delete , Backspace , and Enter .
About all you could count on was having a standard QWERTY
typewriter layout of alphanumeric keys and a Control key. The
Control key is a specialized shift key. When depressed
simultaneously with an alphabetic key, it causes the keyboard to
generate a specific command instruction, rather than the letter.
The control codes are named Ctrl-A through Ctrl-Z (there are
a few punctuation keys that can generate control codes, too).
Control codes are frequently indicated in text by preceding the
letter with a caret, like so: ^A .
WordStar's original designers, Seymour Rubinstein and Rob
Barnaby, selected five control codes to be prefixes for bringing
up additional menus of functions: ^O for On-screen functions; ^Q
for Quick cursor functions; ^P for Print functions; ^K for block
and file functions; and ^J for help.
Now, the first three of these are alphabetically mnemonic. The
last two, ^K and ^J , might at first glance seem to be arbitrary
choices. They aren't. Look at a typewriter keyboard. You'll
see that for a touch typist, the two strongest fingers of the
right hand rest over ^J and ^K on the home typing row. WordStar
recognizes that the most-often-used functions should be the
easiest to physically execute.
To serve as arrow keys for moving the cursor up, left, right, or
down, WordStar adopted ^E , ^S , ^D , and ^X . Again, looking at a
typewriter keyboard makes the logic of this plain. These four
keys are arranged in a diamond under the left hand:
Such positional, as opposed to alphabetic, mnemonics form a large
part of the WordStar interface. Additional cursor-movement
commands are clustered around the E /S /D /X diamond:
^A and ^F , on the home typing row, move the cursor left and right
by words. ^W and ^Z , to the left of the cursor-up and
cursor-down commands, scroll the screen up and down by single
lines. ^R and ^C , to the right of the cursor-up and cursor-down
commands, scroll the screen up and down a page at a time (a
"page" in the computer sense of a full screen of text).
^Q , the aforementioned quick-cursor-movement menu prefix, extends
the power of this diamond. Just as ^E , ^S , ^D , ^X move the
cursor up, left, right, and down by single characters, ^QE , ^QS ,
^QD , and ^QX move it all the way to the top, left, right, or
bottom of the screen. ^W scrolls up one line; ^QW scrolls up
continuously. ^Z scrolls down one line; ^QZ scrolls down
continuously. And since ^R and ^C take you to the top and bottom
of the screen, ^QR and ^QC take you to the top and bottom of the
document. There are many more ^Q commands, but I think you can
see from this sampling that there is an underlying logic to the
WordStar interface, something sorely lacking in many other
programs — particularly WordPerfect.
Now, for many of these functions there are dedicated keys on IBM
PC keyboards. WordStar allows you to use these, if you're so
inclined. But touch-typists find that using the WordStar
Control -key commands is much more efficient, because they can be
typed from the home row without hunting for special keys
elsewhere on the keyboard. Because of this, many applications,
including dBase, SuperCalc, SideKick, CompuServe's TAPCIS and
OzCis, Genie's Aladdin, Xtree Pro, and even Microsoft's own editor
included with MS-DOS 5.0 and above, have adopted some or all of
the WordStar interface.
Some keyboards have the Control key to the left of the letter
A . This makes using WordStar commands very simple. Other
keyboards instead have CapsLock next to the A and place
the Control key below the left Shift key, making WordStar
commands a bit of a stretch. Because of this, WordStar comes
with a utility called SWITCH.COM to optionally swap the functions
of the CapsLock and Control keys. One of the problems with
other word-processing programs is that many commands can only
easily be issued through function and dedicated cursor keys, and
the locations of these keys changes radically from keyboard to
keyboard (for instance, function keys are sometimes arrayed as
two columns of five on the left-hand side of the keyboard and
sometimes as a continuous row across the top of the keyboard;
cursor keys are sometimes clustered in a diamond and sometimes
laid out in an inverted-T shape; on laptop computers you may have
to press a special Fn key in combination with the arrow keys to
access PgUp and other functions, making using these programs an
exercise in contortion). But all one has to do to make
any keyboard an optimal WordStar keyboard is run the
CapsLock / Control switcher, if necessary. The locations of the
other keys are irrelevant, because you don't need them for
On the other hand, WordPerfect's interface forces touch typists
to constantly move their hands from the home typing row, slowing
them down. To issue a WordPerfect command, you must first press
a function key, either separately, or simultaneously with a
Control , Shift , or Alt key. Then, for many functions, you
must select a sub-function. Now that your hands have moved to
the bank of function keys, can you select your sub-function using
them as well? You cannot. Rather, you must next reposition your
hands to the numeric keys and select your sub-function by number.
Finally, you must re-orient your hands on the home row before
continuing typing (recent versions of WordPerfect attempt to
smooth out this tortuous interface, but it's still difficult to
Now, I'm a big fan of the WordStar Control -key interface: for
text applications, it lets me interact with my computer more
efficiently than any other interface I've yet seen. However, I
don't think it's this interface that's got me hooked, at least
not at the keystroke level. I've written published reviews of
all major DOS word processors, and I've concluded that there are
other specific strengths that bring me back to WordStar time and
Let me speak generally for a moment. I've concluded that there
are two basic metaphors for pre-computer writing. One is the
long-hand manuscript page. The other is the typewritten page.
Most word processors have decided to emulate the second — and,
at first glance, that would seem to be the logical one to adopt.
But, as a creative writer, I am convinced that the long-hand page
is the better metaphor.
Consider: On a long-hand page, you can jump back and forth in
your document with ease. You can put in bookmarks, either actual
paper ones, or just fingers slipped into the middle of the
manuscript stack. You can annotate the manuscript for yourself
with comments like "Fix this!" or "Don't forget to check these
facts" without there being any possibility of you missing them
when you next work on the document. And you can mark a block,
either by circling it with your pen, or by physically cutting it
out, without necessarily having to do anything with it right
away. The entire document is your workspace.
On a typewritten page, on the other hand, you are forced to deal
with the next sequential character. Your thoughts are focussed
serially on the typing of the document. If you're in the middle
of a line halfway down page 7, your only easy option is to
continue on that line. To go backwards to check something is
difficult, to put in a comment that won't show when your document
is read by somebody else is impossible, and so on. Typing is a
top-down, linear process, not at all conducive to the intuitive,
leaping-here-and-there kind of thought human beings are good at.
Now, a word processor that uses the typewriter metaphor —
WordPerfect is one — might be ideal for low-level secretarial
work: proceeding top-down through a document that has been
created in content and structure by somebody else. But for one
who must start with absolutely nothing and create, from scratch,
a coherent document with complex and subtle structures, the
long-hand-page metaphor is the way to go.
WordStar's ^Q (Quick cursor movement) and ^K (block) commands
give me more of what I used to have when I wrote in longhand than
any other product does. WordStar's powerful suite of cursor
commands lets me fly all over my manuscript, without ever getting
lost. That's because WordStar is constantly keeping track of
where I've been and where I'm likely to want to go. ^QB will
take me to the beginning of the marked block; ^QK will take me to
the end; ^QV will take me to where the marked block was moved
from; ^QP will take me to my previous cursor position. And, just
as I used to juggle up to ten fingers inserted into various
places in my paper manuscript, WordStar provides me with ten
bookmarks, set with ^K0 through ^K9 , and ten commands to jump to
them, ^Q0 to ^Q9 .
Other WordStar cursor-movement commands, some of which were
mentioned earlier, make life extraordinarily easy (left and right
end of line, top and bottom of screen, top and bottom of
document, forward to specified character, backwards to specified
characters — all touch-typable, all issued without ever taking
my eyes off the screen). And its robust find commands run
circles around WordPerfect's (for example, WordPerfect can't find
a single word without also finding that same string of characters
if it's embedded in another word).
If I want to make a note to myself, WordStar lets me simply type
it in my document. WordStar will not print a line beginning with
double periods, like so:
.. check date of birth
However, there's no way I can miss such a comment when I re-edit
the document. Until recently, WordPerfect didn't allow that —
again, it tripped on the typewritten-page metaphor: if you put
something in the document, it assumes you must want it in the
final printout. (Hidden comments, another feature provided by
both WordStar and WordPerfect, don't provide this same
functionality, although they do have their uses.)
The typewritten-page metaphor is a machine-in-control situation:
you must do what the machine wants you to do. Block marking is a
perfect example. In WordPerfect, if I want to mark a block, I am
forced to think through a serial sequence of steps, and execute
them in turn. Now, that's fine for straight secretarial work,
but when one is creating at the keyboard, one wants to
capture the most fleeting of thoughts, the most complex of ideas,
before they evaporate into the ether, lost for good. The
human-machine interface must let me stop and get a thought down,
not force me to hang on until the computer is ready for me to go
back to thinking.
WordPerfect requires that I decide whether I want to cut or copy
a block, then immediately mark the beginning of the block, then
immediately mark the end of the block, then immediately position
the cursor at where I want the block to go, then immediately move
the block, and then find my way back to the place where I was
originally working. From the moment I decide I might, perhaps,
want to do something with a block of text to the moment I
actually finish that operation, WordPerfect is in control,
dictating what I must do.
WordStar, with its long-hand-page metaphor, says, hey, do
whatever you want whenever you want to. This is a good spot to
mark the beginning of a block? Fine. What would you like
to do next? Deal with the block? Continue writing? Use the
After another half hour of writing, I can say, ah hah!,
this is where I want to end that block. And two hours later I
can say, and this is where that block should go. I'm in
control, not the program. That's clearly more powerful, more
intuitive, and more flexible than any other method of text
manipulation I've yet seen implemented in a word processor. That
WordStar lets me have separate marked blocks in each of its
editing windows multiplies that power substantially: imagine
doing a cut and paste job between two versions of a paper
document, but being told that you could only have one piece cut
out at a time. Madness! Yet that's what WordPerfect, Microsoft
Word, and others would force you to do. (In WordStar 7.0, you
can even, in essence, have two marked blocks per window, toggling
between them with the "mark previous block" command, ^KU .)
Over the years, it's become clear to me that writers work in
unique ways. Little things make a big difference to how
effectively they can interface with their machines. WordStar
provides a vast suite of customizability options — hundreds of
things ranging from which specific punctuation characters are
jumped over when moving the cursor by words, through how much
help to provide the user, to whether the inches/columns indicator
in the status line should update instantly as you type, or (in
case you find that visually distracting) should wait quietly
until you pause for a length of time you specify before updating.
It's important that the writing tool adapt to the writer, not the
other way around. WordStar is strong because it can fit me like
a comfortable old shoe, and then make itself over completely to
fit somebody else just as well.
Finally, to come back to the keyboard interface, I think WordStar
is the least modal word processor I have ever used. On
long-hand paper, writing and editing are one fluid task: there's
no barrier to discourage you from switching between adding new
material and modifying existing material. On a typed page, these
tasks are quite distinct, especially with non-electronic
typewriters. To change a word is a completely different spectrum
of activities, and therefore a completely different mindset,
from simply adding new words.
Many word-processing programs hark back to the decidedly modal
days of Liquid Paper: they have you input new material from the
main typing area, but for editing make you move your hands from that
area to the cursor pad, the function keys, or a mouse, and then
step through layers of menus (as WordPerfect and Microsoft Word
do) or switch to a command line (as XyWrite and Nota Bene do).
These typewriter-metaphor programs compartmentalize writing and
editing in an unnatural fashion. The human mind does not
distinguish between these activities in any gross way; neither
should the program.
WordStar's adoption of the long-hand-page metaphor provides its
strength in this area, too. On a WordStar-friendly keyboard (one
with Control adjacent to the A key, or one that has been
remapped using the SWITCH.COM utility mentioned earlier),
changing between writing and editing modes is as simple as
pivoting one's left pinkie. It's effortless and does not cause a
switching of mental gears. The distinction between the modes is
no more distracting than the lifting of ball-point from paper to
reposition one's pen. Writing and revising are a continuum.
WordStar supports that, whereas, again, competing programs
demand that I adapt to their method of doing things, instead of
the other way around.
For me, it's clear: WordStar offers a more productive approach
at its most fundamental design level than does its
The foregoing analysis originally appeared on The WordStar Forum
of the CompuServe Information Service, where it seemed to strike
a responsive chord. Herewith some excerpts from the responses
posted there:
"Thanks, Robert, for a very insightful analysis of
why I, neither a professional writer nor professional editor,
like WordStar."
"Exactly so, Rob. It is a monumentally frustrating and
distracting experience to have to think about dealing with the
machine when I am cogitating on the words I want to write, the
thoughts I am trying to capture. For that process, which is
quite fundamentally different than page-formatting, WordStar is
utterly unobtrusive, passive until I tell it to be otherwise, and
completely transparent."
"Your analysis gave an explanation to my feelings. Whenever
lawyers ask me what I like about using WordStar, my response has
always been that the expressing of words and thoughts translate
effortlessly into the printed page."
"Thank you for analyzing and articulating these fundamental
advantages of WordStar. I've never seen such an insightful and
on-target exposition of this topic anywhere."
"The typewriter-vs.-manuscript metaphor is brilliant. Although a
pretty good touch typist since high school days, I was never able
to compose at the typewriter. After every line or two, I want to
go back and edit what I've just composed, and the typewriter just
isn't a very good way to do that. When I first started WordStar
on a CP/M machine, what impressed me most was that it enabled me
to compose at the keyboard very much like the way I would compose
on the written page, but with the productivity advantage of a
`typewriter.' I've never had quite the same feeling about any
other word processor."
Robert J. Sawyer,
a former sysop of CompuServe's WordStar Forum,
won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America's
Nebula Award for
Best Novel of 1995, and the World Science Fiction Society's
Hugo Award for
Best Novel of 2003. He is the author of 24 novels, all written with WordStar:
Golden Fleece,
Fossil Hunter,
End of an Era,
The Terminal Experiment,
Illegal Alien,
Factoring Humanity,
Calculating God,
Red Planet Blues,
Quantum Night, and
The Oppenheimer Alternative.
The ABC TV series FlashForward
was based on his novel of the same name.
More Good Reading
Using WordStar under modern versions of Windows
Using WordStar's ProFinder utility for research
Rob's system for getting WordStar 7.0 to preview pages at high resolution
with any graphics card
Still using WordStar 3.0 or 3.3? Here's how you can customize the keyboard
Rob's review of Borland's Sprint: The Word Processor from 1988
Rob's sixth "On Writing" column, outlining tricks you can
do with your word processor — whatever it may be — to help you with your writing.
Copyright © 1995-2020 by Robert J. Sawyer.